Ireland Stapleton Pryor & Pascoe PC
* Business
Our business law practice group provides innovative, insightful and practical solutions to the challenges faced by our business clients. Our clients range from small, start-up companies, to emerging/high growth companies, to large, publicly-traded companies. We use our deal-making and problem-solving abilities to assist our business clients in achieving their goals and to add value at any stage of their business venture. Our attorneys have experience in a full range of business law services, including entity formation and governance, venture capital and private equity transactions, banking and commercial finance, mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property and licensing matters, franchising, tax planning, anti-trust matters, international transactions and serving as outside general counsel.
* Employment
In the challenging and evolving world of employment law, our seasoned attorneys give clients the legal support they need to maintain successful employer/employee relationships and anticipate and mitigate future risks. We work closely with our clients on a daily basis on a wide array of legal challenges, from hiring employees or appointing volunteers, to ongoing performance, compensation and benefits issues, to disciplinary actions and terminations. We also offer specialized employment training and can conduct audits and/or investigations into a myriad of employment-related matters.
* Environmental, Energy and Natural Resources
Ireland Stapleton's Environmental, Energy and Natural Resources group serves clients in environmental, oil and gas, renewable energy, and energy transmission matters. Our attorneys have represented real estate developers, industrial companies, and nonprofit groups on a range of environmental matters, such as remediation and redevelopment of "Superfund" and "Brownfield" properties pursuant to CERCLA and state voluntary clean-up programs; NPDES and Section 404 permitting pursuant to the Clean Water Act (CWA); and compliance with a variety of environmental and regulatory requirements related to NEPA, RCRA, the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the Clean Air Act (CAA), asbestos issues, and numerous state and local regulations. Furthermore, Ireland Stapleton has long represented clients in a wide range of matters affecting energy development and distribution. From the traditional oil and gas industry to the rapidly expanding renewable energy field, we assist clients in navigating complex and constantly evolving regulatory schemes governing development and distribution, transmission corridors, corporate compliance and sustainability, and land use issues.
* Estate Planning and Business Transition
Our attorneys are extremely knowledgeable in planning for a variety of estates, including those with international assets and closely held businesses. Through our comprehensive estate planning services, clients can minimize estate and gift taxes, grow and protect their assets and preserve their legacies for future generations.
* Litigation
A significant part of our practice is litigation. Many of our attorneys are involved in all aspects of litigation, including civil trials and appeals, practicing before state and federal courts and state and federal regulatory agencies. Ireland Stapleton represents international, national, regional, and local organizations, as well as individuals, in commercial and private disputes, alternative dispute resolution, and litigation-avoidance strategies. With each litigation matter, our goal is to achieve favorable and cost-effective results by understanding our clients' business and financial objectives, efficiently utilizing our staff and technology, and aggressively advocating our clients' interests.
* Real Estate
Our real estate practice group has decades of practical experience with a multitude of legal issues surrounding real estate, including construction, development, sales, leasing, financing, partnerships, land use and the environment and regulatory takings. Armed with this experience, our clients are provided with the solid legal counsel they need for every delicate real estate transaction.
* Special Districts
Our special districts group has extensive experience in serving as both special and general counsel to metropolitan districts, park and recreation districts, water and sanitation districts, library districts, and fire protection districts. We also have created and represented operational "authorities" for two or more special districts and municipalities. As general or special counsel, we work closely with our special district clients on a daily basis on a wide array of legal challenges, such as Board meeting procedures, elections, boundary realignments, contracts and intergovernmental agreements of all types, financing mechanisms, employee/volunteer issues, real and personal property sales and acquisitions, and special districts litigation.
Ireland Stapleton Pryor & Pascoe PC
1675 Broadway #2600
Denver CO 80202
Tel: 303 623-2700
Fax: 303 623-2062
