Philip V Keenan
Denver Colorado Estate Planning, Probate and Living Trusts Attorneys
* Asset Protection & Business Planning
* Elder Law & Medicaid Services
* Estate Planning Services
* Estate Planning for Family-Owned Businesses, Farmers and Ranchers
* Financial Planning Assistance
* Estate Planning for the GLBT Community
* Incapacity Planning
* IRA & Retirement Planning
* Legacy Planning
* Planning for Those With Special Needs
* Trust Administration & Probate
Estate Planning Attorneys in Denver, Colorado
Estate Planning Law Specialist - National Association of Estate Planners & Councils
Philip V Keenan
Ambler & Keenan LLC
950 S Cherry St #1650
Denver CO 80246
Tel: 303 407-1542; 303 407-1099
Fax: 303 321-1899
Phil Keenan is a principal in the law firm of Ambler & Keenan, LLC. Phil is admitted to practice law before the Supreme Court of the State of Colorado, the United States District Court for the District of Colorado, the 10th Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court.
Phil received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of Kansas, a B.S. in Accounting from the State University of New York, and a M.A. in Business Management from Webster College. He is also a graduate of the United States Naval War College. Phil received his J.D. with honors from the University of Denver College of Law.
Phil’s practice focuses on estate planning, taxation of estates and gifts, probate and trust law, and trust administration. A member of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys, Phil is a frequent speaker on various estate planning subjects.
Prior to his legal career, Phil served with distinction as an officer and pilot in the United States Navy. He is also licensed as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) by the state of Colorado, and is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). Phil is also certified as an Estate Planning Law Specialist by the Estate Law Specialist Board, Inc. under a specialization program accredited by the American Bar Association.
Active in local community organizations, Phil's professional associations include membership in the Denver Bar Association and the Colorado Bar Association. A proponent of charitable giving, he is a member of the National Committee on Planned Giving, and serves as the Past-President for the Colorado Planned Giving Roundtable. Phil is also a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys.
Phil and his firm are dedicated to providing cost effective service to their clients as they accumulate, preserve, and transfer wealth. He believes that an estate plan will be most effective when it is crafted by a team comprised of the client's most trusted advisors.
