Salomon Solutions LLC
Barbara Salomon provides neutral dispute resolution services. In providing these services Barb does not act as an attorney for the participants. Neutral dispute resolution providers do not provide legal advice, and do not substitute for a participant's own legal counsel. The service provided by settlement neutrals is often called "Alternative Dispute Resolution" or "ADR". Services Barb can provide include:
Mediation is a voluntary, confidential process in which the mediator helps the participants to decide on solutions to their disputes. Many lawsuits, including many family law cases, are not allowed to go to Court until mediation is tried. A skilled mediator can assist the parties in understanding their own and each other’s positions, to evaluate their positions, and to develop solutions that work better for them than their alternatives.
Commonly mediated family law problems include parenting time and authority, property valuations, property division, and spousal and child support.
Pre-marital and post-marital agreements, and family business operations and dispute resolution are particularly well-suited to mediation.
Mediation in Colorado is conducted according to the Colorado Dispute Resolution Act, C.R.S. 13-22-301.
Arbitration puts decision-making in the hands of a third-party neutral. An arbitrator acts like a judge. The parties agree to the rules for arbitration and/or the rules are set out in the Colorado Dispute Resolution Act’s version of the Uniform Arbitration Act C.R.S. 13-22-201 and following sections. In setting out their own rules the participants may agree to use, for example, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Arbitration Rules for domestic relations disputes, or arbitration rules from trade associations or dispute resolution organizations such as the American Arbitration Association.
Participants may decide to mediate, and if unsuccessful, to have their dispute decided all or in part by their mediator acting as arbitrator. This process is defined although not explained in Colorado law C.R.S. 13-22-302 (2.3). The processes of mediation and arbitration are usually quite unique, suggesting that med/arb be used thoughtfully, and that the process be clearly defined.
Judges may appoint a Special Master to assist the judge by considering the evidence in a case and making recommendations to the Court. This process is regulated by Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure C.R.C.P. Rule 53. The parties may agree to ask the Judge for a Special Master to be appointed, but the Judge decides, with or without the parties’ agreement, whether to appoint a Special Master. Special Masters are used most commonly in disputes with complicated facts, or when there are exceptionally complex disputes about party access to information (“discovery disputes.â€)
Fellow - American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Salomon Solutions LLC
PO Box 101746
Denver CO 80250-1746
Tel: 303 947-1117
Fax: 303 756-7748
