Steven E McBride
Denver Family Law Attorney
* Divorce. Known as "dissolution of marriage" in the state of Colorado, the McBride firm approaches divorce with the idea of striking the best balance in the client's life in order for the client to move forward and live comfortably. Decisions made at the time of divorce will have a significant impact on the lives of the divorcing parents, and their children, for the rest of their lives. The firm urges clients to appreciate the long term effects of the immediate decisions that need to be made during these proceedings.
* Separation. The firm's attorneys offer expert advice on the consideration of a legal separation, as well as any matters that might arise in the event of a separation.
* Parental Responsibilities. There are two chief considerations in this area: decision-making responsibility ("custody") and parenting time ("visitation"). The McBride firm will consider the best interests of the minor child(ren) as well as the parent. Again, the focus is finding the perfect balance for the family, so that the minor child(ren) can maintain a bond with each parent.
* Child Support. Although parents may decide to divorce each other, their obligations to provide financial support for their children continue until emancipation of those children. Each case requires careful consideration of the needs of these children and the income or earning ability of the parents in order to address those needs. Steve is a frequent lecturer on this topic to lawyers and judges.
* Spousal Maintenance. The right to, or the responsibility to pay, spousal maintenance (alimony as it is commonly called) is a complex issue under Colorado law. Although the Colorado statutes provide a "formula" for this obligation, the formula is only applicable during the time of the parties' separation, and only applies to families with moderate incomes. The firm's attorneys are experienced in analyzing this issue and presenting appropriate claims or defenses in the event litigation of this issue is necessary.
* Property Division. In these days of deferred compensation, stock options, defined benefit plans, limited partnerships, etc., the evaluation of and division of property within a divorce can present challenging questions for any individual. The firm carefully analyses the aspects of property division, and regularly works with financial planners, forensic evaluators, and tax consultants to make certain these assets are fairly evaluated and allocated between not only the "owner" but the spouse who has an equitable interest in this property.
* Modification of Previous Orders and Agreements. Most provisions of Colorado Separation Agreements and Court Orders are subject to modification because of changes in circumstances. These postdecree cases can be as complex as initial divorce proceedings. The firm accepts cases on modification of child support, spousal maintenance, and parental responsibilities within jurisdictions throughout the State of Colorado.
* Enforcement. The enforcement of Court Orders, whether they be for financial or parental responsibility issues, is within the expertise of these attorneys. The firm is also prepared to assist in the defense of individuals against whom such enforcement actions have been initiated.
In each of these and other areas of family law, McBride & Drinkwine, LLC offer the highest level of expertise in mediation, negotiations, drafting requisite documents and, when necessary, litigation. Backed by a professional team of caring paraprofessionals, they ensure the client's best interests are always represented.
Fellow - American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Steven E McBride
McBride & Drinkwine LLC
4601 DTC Blvd
Denver CO 80237-2570
Tel: 303 740-7422
Fax: 303 740-8408
