Suzan deSeguin-Hons
Colorado Immigration Lawyer, Denver Immigration Attorney
SALTRESE FAVILLE DeSEGUIN llc is a full service immigration law firm in Denver, Colorado. Our Colorado immigration lawyers specialize in assisting immigrants in all areas of immigration law and citizenship issues: political asylum, family petitions, visas for victims of abuse (VAWA and U-visas), Temporary Protected Status, naturalization applications, deportation/removal defense in the Denver immigration courts, appeals before the Board of Immigration Appeals, Federal court appeals, litigation in U.S. District Court, and criminal defense for non-citizens.
From visa processing to affirmative asylum cases to US citizenship, our Denver immigration attorneys have extensive experience helping immigrants navigate the complicated labyrinth of United States naturalization and immigration law. Our Denver immigration lawyers provide vigorous legal representation for our clients, whether the immigrant has a marriage based interview with USCIS, is in immigration court facing deportation, or has a Federal Court appeal of a decision from the Board of Immigration Appeals.
We believe that everyone – regardless of citizenship or nationality -- who is within the territorial bounds of the United States has a protected liberty interest provided by the U.S. Constitution.
French, Spanish and English spoken. Our attorneys are members of the American Immigration Lawyers.
Saltrese Faville DeSeguin LLC
2635 Seventeenth St.
Denver, CO 80211
Tel: 303 442-8554
